Last weekend, in order to acquaint ourselves to our new satellite metropolis Memphis, we loaded up the gang and, three hours later, hightailed it northbound up I-55. Our plan included a brief stint at the Memphis Farmer’s Market (the Oxford version is a little on the small side and leaves a bit to be desired) to pick up some fresh veggies. We hoped for a king’s bounty an indeed found a cornucopia fresh, local, and tasty summer veggies –tomatoes, okra, eggplant, beans, and more. However, the true paragon of local delectability was found as we made our exit – a true fried pie, so damn good it was just downright sinful. (I almost slapped Lizzie, but after considering how hot is was outside, decided it wasn’t the best day for a walk to Oxford.)
This is an event not without much anticipation as yours truly has somewhat of a, how shall we say, obsession with “The Zoo” and passing on a somewhat unhealthy love for a place that smells like the business end of an elephant is just something that fathers are for. For an added bonus, Charlie Mac has recently become quite fascinated with the animal kingdom, not just mimicking their noises, but just watching the little fellas run amuck. In fact his new entertainment during our walk through the woods is doing a bit of bird and dog-rabidly-chasing-poor-innocent-squirrel watching. To be honest with you, the whole event was just amazing – it’s proving a task to provide a linear recount of the hours we spent there so I’m just gonna let it go. Flamingos – um yeah, pink giant birds (I feel for some odd reason I must describe these to you (unhealthy attachment I say)) - blew. CharlieMac’s. mind. Simply greatness. [Aside] There is nothing like blowing a toddler’s mind. Whether it is giant pink birds or a water hose, the look in their eyes, the stillness combined with that tangible appearance of a running mind – my God, it is better than fried pie. [End Aside]

I'm on a tiger, not on a panda, I'm on a TIGER, not on a panda, not on a panda, not on a panda...
The butterflies deserve their own paragraph. Love may not be the right word, and obsession is too grown up of an idea, just innocent OH.MY.GAWD. may be the best way to describe Charlie Mac’s reaction to the butterfly area. We have some great video of this and I will get this up here, as well as sending it to every news station in the WORLD because my baby is the CUTEST THING EVER. Sorry, that happens every once in awhile – parents, you understand. Strength in unity. Meanwhile, Charlie Mac’s chasing butterflies all over the place. He’s telling everyone about it, shouting it from the highest mountain “SSZzzzDAT! EEEEEEEEIIIIII!” Next time we go to the Zoo – it’s a nice picnic lunch, maybe even some blue-cheese stuffedolives, a spot on a corner bench, and hours spent watching our pride-and-joy chasing what seems to appear to him as little bursts of sunshinebeautifuljoy floating around in the air. In Charlie Mac’s eyes, and in ours, it was the Memphis zoo’s pièce de résistance.
There were other encounters – monkeys, penguins, fish, turtles, giraffes, elephants – which in their own right were exciting but as we spiraled into a tired, sweaty abyss of getmetothecarbeforeidie, we powered up for the pilgrimage to the Choo-Choo. Again, I promise to have some video up of the ride (knowing me let’s safely say sometime before next President’s Day.) It’s interesting how Charlie Mac developed his love for Choo-Choos – he never really watches Choo-Choo shows and only recently has had the toys – but the Choo-Choo is his thing. Some of us covet our jewelry or patchy pants – but for CMac it’s gimme Choo-Choo or gimme Choo-Choo. And, as we all well know, the Mecca of 18 month old Choo-Choo lovers is, without a doubt, the Barnyard Choo-Choo ride ~ A real life Choo-Choo, a real life cow, a real life goat, a covered bridge, a waterfall ~ somebody call the fire department because THE ROOF IS ON FIRE!
If you are wondering, we did make it back to the car in 3 pieces - 3 whole somewhat soggy pieces. But not before a gloriously failed attempt at the Barnyard animals show. Sorry to offend any Komodo Dragon lover’s out there - nothing against their cold-blood or prehistoric existence – but give me a break…and some of that sweet, sweet AC.
5 minutes later – approximately 54 seconds into our car ride home – we turn around and are blessed with this sight. Better than fried pie and butterflies.