Head on over to the flutterblog to see the pictures of the kids playing with our new puppy!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hey, I know I'm so late getting these up here, but at least it's happening. Here are some pictures from this past Halloween!
Gutting the pumpkin:
Gutting the pumpkin:
Gazing inward:
Willa watching the process,,,what are they doing??
Aunt Frankie stopped by to see their little costumes. Here she is with a Bitty Bat
Our little monkey:
Daddy and his Bitty Bat, Charlie Mac trick or treating
Mama and her little monkey man:
Loving life eating cice ream at Hollies
Sleepy little monkey wanted to sleep in his costume, who are we to say no??
Sweet Freedom and Nude Sunbeam bathing
The other day I walked in as Willa Ann gleefully realized her diaper was coming off...Here my little monkey is moments after having escaped its confines...
And of course I let her run around for a while and enjoy her newfound freedom...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Willa Ann's first steps!!
November 29th, 2008 Willa Ann took two baby steps from the coffee table to my knee. So proud of my Bitty Bee!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
November 08 Update
Oh my chirrens is growin up so fas!
This past weekend I was blessed to be on my own with both children for a couple of days while Bradley participated in a law student non-profit's efforts to assist Katrina victims with home title transfer. I've been on my own for a day at a time before, which just wasn't enough time to get into a flow with them--it was just holding it together until we could return to the "you feed him while I play with her," or "I'll go paint with him while you give her a bath." I am thankful to say that it was one of the best weekends I've ever had as a mother. YES, I'm pretty exhausted, and YES another mother I know told me I looked tired at Storytime on Saturday, YES I was counting the minutes until my sweet hubby came back up our driveway---but I went to work missing my babies more than ever yesterday, and for that pain I am most thankful. Hard to explain other than to ask if the thought of the expression or some gesture belonging to somebody you miss has ever brought a smile to your face along with the wince to your heart. That smile and the pinch of love are glorious gifts--that's what I'm talking about.
Anywho--before my bar-tee runs out on my laptop, I'd better get to talking about the babies, which is why you are all here anyway.
Best story from the weekend about Charlie Mac: He came up to me with a (broken) handheld fan I got as a giveaway from Prilosec at work. It has a long string attached to it and it's purple. He held it out to me and implored "Will you put this on my head? I need it on my head." Well.
I wasn't about to put the string around his neck--immediate images of strangulation dancing in my brain. I shot from the hip and plopped it on his hairline, unicorn style...and hit paydirt. He put his little hand up there to hold it in place, looked at me with utmost gravity and stated "I can fly now." He demonstrated by running around the kitchen, den, dining and breakfast rooms with the sound effect of rushing air. Later, when we were going to the grocery store and he told me that he would prefer to fly there, I asked him if he could please bring his fan and help the car fly to the store. He agreed after a moment or two of consideration.
Yes Charlie Mac, I'd say you can certainly fly now.
Willa Ann, oh my sweet little baby girl. She is a hoot--the most vocal little child I have ever seen/heard. She coos and cusses and laughs and squeals, all to our delight. She is really thinking about walking already. She stands on her own for seconds at a time and really looks hard at the distance between the coffee table and sofa before deciding that she's going to have to crawl after all. She is so full of such a very strong personality that I know will serve her well in her life if she allows her kindness to have equal sway. She's a sweet baby--patting Guero on the head and saying "GuhGuh" and sharing her cheerios with him on purpose occasionally. She lives for her brother--screaming with glee when she first sees him in the morning and grabbing at him with her little bitty hands. I hope that their relationship is one that they can maintain through life's stretchy bits.
I need to take more pictures, I know. Damn unnatural government forced 8-5, 5 day a week work mandate (originated by Ford to retain more workers and therefore turn higher profit). We got some beautiful portraits taken a few months ago, and I need to get the link to post on here. I wish we could afford to get everyone in our families prints of some, but that just ain't the case these days. Stay tuned and I'll get them up here and y'all can get the ones you want.
This past weekend I was blessed to be on my own with both children for a couple of days while Bradley participated in a law student non-profit's efforts to assist Katrina victims with home title transfer. I've been on my own for a day at a time before, which just wasn't enough time to get into a flow with them--it was just holding it together until we could return to the "you feed him while I play with her," or "I'll go paint with him while you give her a bath." I am thankful to say that it was one of the best weekends I've ever had as a mother. YES, I'm pretty exhausted, and YES another mother I know told me I looked tired at Storytime on Saturday, YES I was counting the minutes until my sweet hubby came back up our driveway---but I went to work missing my babies more than ever yesterday, and for that pain I am most thankful. Hard to explain other than to ask if the thought of the expression or some gesture belonging to somebody you miss has ever brought a smile to your face along with the wince to your heart. That smile and the pinch of love are glorious gifts--that's what I'm talking about.
Anywho--before my bar-tee runs out on my laptop, I'd better get to talking about the babies, which is why you are all here anyway.
Best story from the weekend about Charlie Mac: He came up to me with a (broken) handheld fan I got as a giveaway from Prilosec at work. It has a long string attached to it and it's purple. He held it out to me and implored "Will you put this on my head? I need it on my head." Well.
I wasn't about to put the string around his neck--immediate images of strangulation dancing in my brain. I shot from the hip and plopped it on his hairline, unicorn style...and hit paydirt. He put his little hand up there to hold it in place, looked at me with utmost gravity and stated "I can fly now." He demonstrated by running around the kitchen, den, dining and breakfast rooms with the sound effect of rushing air. Later, when we were going to the grocery store and he told me that he would prefer to fly there, I asked him if he could please bring his fan and help the car fly to the store. He agreed after a moment or two of consideration.
Yes Charlie Mac, I'd say you can certainly fly now.
Willa Ann, oh my sweet little baby girl. She is a hoot--the most vocal little child I have ever seen/heard. She coos and cusses and laughs and squeals, all to our delight. She is really thinking about walking already. She stands on her own for seconds at a time and really looks hard at the distance between the coffee table and sofa before deciding that she's going to have to crawl after all. She is so full of such a very strong personality that I know will serve her well in her life if she allows her kindness to have equal sway. She's a sweet baby--patting Guero on the head and saying "GuhGuh" and sharing her cheerios with him on purpose occasionally. She lives for her brother--screaming with glee when she first sees him in the morning and grabbing at him with her little bitty hands. I hope that their relationship is one that they can maintain through life's stretchy bits.
I need to take more pictures, I know. Damn unnatural government forced 8-5, 5 day a week work mandate (originated by Ford to retain more workers and therefore turn higher profit). We got some beautiful portraits taken a few months ago, and I need to get the link to post on here. I wish we could afford to get everyone in our families prints of some, but that just ain't the case these days. Stay tuned and I'll get them up here and y'all can get the ones you want.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Willa Ann eating some peas
No longer limited to cheerios and saltines, Willa Ann has graduated to feeding herself little pieces of steamed veggies. Here we see her showcasing this new skill with peas...
Cosmo with the babies....
Can you believe how nice Senor is to the babies? Much more patient than he has ever been with us mere two leggers!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ADD/ADHD and more evidence that we don't need to medicate
Sadly, we've been piling artificial chemicals on top of artificial chemicals to treat our children for ADD/ADHD when we really just needed to STOP the chemicals in the first place. It seems like common sense now, doesn't it? Unfortunately, now we have to deal with legions of people who believe they are stupid when they aren't and are often addicted to uppers. Read on:
American Academy of Pediatrics
ADHD and Food Additives Revisited
ADHD and Food Additives Revisited
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the organization that recommends practice parameters for pediatricians to follow. A review published in the AAP Grand Rounds in February, 2008, has noted the adverse effects of artificial additives on the behavior of children in the general population as reported by a British study in the Lancet in September 2007. We encourage parents to print this page and share it with their pediatricians, in case they have not seen this article. [full report attached]The reviewer, Alison Schonwald, MD, FAAP, is an expert in developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Children's Hospital in Boston. Dr. Schonwald writes:
Despite increasing data supporting the efficacy of stimulants in preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) parents and providers understandably seek safe and effective interventions that require no prescription. A recent meta-analysis of 15 trials concludes that there is "accumulating evidence that neurobehavioral toxicity may characterize a variety of widely distributed chemicals." [Schab DW, et al. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2004;25:423–434] Some children may be more sensitive to the effects of these chemicals, and the authors suggest there is a need to better identify responders. In real life, practitioners faced with hyperactive preschoolers have a reasonable option to offer parents. For the child without a medical, emotional, or environmental etiology of ADHD behaviors, a trial of a preservative-free, food coloring–free diet is a reasonable intervention. (emphasis added)And the Editors' Note which follows states:
Although quite complicated, this was a carefully conducted study in which the investigators went to great lengths to eliminate bias and to rigorously measure outcomes. The results are hard to follow and somewhat inconsistent. For many of the assessments there were small but statistically significant differences of measured behaviors in children who consumed the food additives compared with those who did not. In each case increased hyperactive behaviors were associated with consuming the additives. For those comparisons in which no statistically significant differences were found, there was a trend for more hyperactive behaviors associated with the food additive drink in virtually every assessment. Thus, the overall findings of the study are clear and require that even we skeptics, who have long doubted parental claims of the effects of various foods on the behavior of their children, admit we might have been wrong. (emphasis added)
- ~ The following are PDF files. If you need a PDF reader, get it here.
- Read AAP Grand Rounds article
- Read Lancet study, full text
- Read Behavior, Learning and Health: The Dietary Connection 2007
- Read Excerpt from Dr. Ben Feingold's speech to American Academy of Pediatrics
- For information about the low-additive Feingold diet, visit ADHDdiet.org
Monday, October 20, 2008
Charlie Mac was a total angel during his haircut. His daddy got his haircut at the same time and started right before him so Charlie Mac was all about following suit. The pictures of the process are trapped in the camera right now, but I will be getting them out later when I get home. In the meantime, feast your eyes on this:
Yeah, I know--just when you thought he couldn't get any cuter... ;-)My aunt told him he looked very handsome with his haircut. I asked him "What do you say?" His reply? Do you think it was "Thank you" like he had been taught to say when somebody compliments him? No, not exactly. He just walked on over to her and stated: "And precious."
Hahahahaha my Iddle.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
baby fashion
OK, anyone that knows me knows that, while I've definitely got my own style, I've never been very into "fashion" per se. I was told that when I had a baby girl that I would go insane over dressing her. I didn't really believe it. However, you might notice that a post back I went wild and bought a hat within moments of seeing it for the first time. This is not like me. I usually pine over an item for a while before I actually go get it, if I ever get it. Now--I've spent hours today trying to find a "Lady Flower long sleeve dress by Zutano sized for 12-18 months anywhere in the world. They are out of stock EVERYWHERE. And I'm dying for Willa Ann to wear that dress with pink tights and these shoes . DYING. And a chocolate colored hat . I think I'm going to have to settle for the lady flower swing top over a long sleeve top and leggings. But it won't be the same. Does this sound like me??
And while I'm at it, I am having a conniption fit over these shoes . I am building the rest of the outfit in my head--right now I'm thinking chocolate corduroy dress with a cranberry mock turtle neck, but it's just a sketch at this point.
Yep, I've gone insane and I just don't care. Weeeee!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
new hat for Willa Ann
I just received this hat I got for Willa Ann. I think you will agree that it's just about the cutest thing ever. I believe that we will have to put a soft cotton hat on under it until she grows more hair because it's just a little scratchy. Then maybe I'll be able to get her to keep it on for more than 30 seconds.....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Haircut
Didn't happen. The shop was closed! And this is a very good thing because last night we had a moment of inspiration. Since this is the last year that we'll be able to pick his costume--we think he may go as a "founding father" this year. We need to get him a little tricorn hat, etc. and pull it into a low ponytail. We the people, people! Awesome.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Chillin in the courtyard
The other day Charlie Mac carried his little owl chair with his cup of juice and box of raisens outside and commenced to chill with the best of them. He sat like this, taking an occasional sip or tip of his raisen box, for about 15 minutes before he busted us taking his picture. I tell ya, this little guy has it down!
Willa Ann in her cart
Seriously, how cute is she? She runs around in this little thing and is surprisingly skilled for an 8 month old. When she gets the wrong angle on a doorway, she backs up, re-aims and goes on through. She will "run" in it squealing towards you with a smile on her face and her hands up in the air. It's seriously so awesome.
Our little artist
Charlie Mac loves to paint. During this wonderful Fall weather we've been having, his easel has been outside. He just climbs on up and requests certain colors to be put onto his "pallette" (a tupperware container duct taped to the stepladder). Here is our little artist at work:
Breakfast is a good time at our house. We always eat it together and I see it as a way to connect as a family before the day starts. Here are a few pics from this past weekend. The morning below was one of the ones where Aunt Kay Kay stopped by to join us, which is always a treat! She wasn't so into me taking her picture though--that's why she's a blur of ponytail....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy Willa Ann
Our little one is teething, but it's not effecting her happy disposition today! Look Closely at the first picture and you can see the little toofies peeking through:
Here she is with Trina
And here she is right where I like her best! Moments after this she was waving my earring around like a trophy!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The greatest parenting mistake EVER.
Location: Hell
Seriously. In what I now realize was the greatest parenting mistake EVER, Charlie Mac was allowed to ride in the front seat of the truck for a total of 15 minutes this past weekend; now everytime we even approach a vehicle the screaming begins "I don't wanna go in my carseat! I wanna go in the FRONT SEAT! It's NOT your seat MAMA! YOU ride in this carseat!" Seriously. As my friend Jennifer said "they make em cute so we don't eat them."
Seriously. In what I now realize was the greatest parenting mistake EVER, Charlie Mac was allowed to ride in the front seat of the truck for a total of 15 minutes this past weekend; now everytime we even approach a vehicle the screaming begins "I don't wanna go in my carseat! I wanna go in the FRONT SEAT! It's NOT your seat MAMA! YOU ride in this carseat!" Seriously. As my friend Jennifer said "they make em cute so we don't eat them."
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Toothless grin #2 on it's way out--another memory on the way
Today I felt Willa Ann's first tooth. It's going to be visible in the next week. I'll try to get as many pictures as I can of her little toothless grin before it's gone forever.
Last night I went to look at her while she was asleep and just sat and stared at her for about half an hour. With my second child I know something that I didn't realize as a first timer--that no matter how mind blowing the moment, the memory of it is a whisper compared to the moment itself. That regardless of your iron willed determination that this memory will stick, it probably won't be anywhere close to clear when you think back. That in order to even visualize your sweet baby at a younger age, you are going to need a picture. I'm sure that last one has some evolutionary purpose--to better be able to recognize your children you can only visualize their faces as they are at the current time--but it kindof stinks. I remember a few very specific moments of Charlie Mac's babyhood--a little lip purse that overcame my family's law of no kissing on the lips, a couple of particularly precious times when I was nursing him and the talk he and I had when I told him he wasn't going to nurse anymore-those aren't crystal clear though. My point is this: last night when I was looking at Willa ann as she slept, in awe of how beautiful she is, how precious--I knew that I may not be able to remember it later, and that the feeling I had at that moment would never be so sharp as it was right then. And I didn't want it to end, so I just stayed there and stared. Her little finger would twitch every so often and her side rose and fell as she breathed. Her face so lovely in it's peace. I was alternately sitting on the ottoman peaking through the slats and leaning on her crib looking over. Both views unique and beautiful. This picture is hard to see because it wasn't very bright in there and I took it with my cell phone, but I imagine you can tell why I was so captivated.
I wrote this after I tore myself away:
There is no instrument to capture
the acheful beauty of your being
the wingspan of your lips
the settle of your sigh
oh my child
it is as starving
to crave the impression that will flee with the moments passing
Last night I went to look at her while she was asleep and just sat and stared at her for about half an hour. With my second child I know something that I didn't realize as a first timer--that no matter how mind blowing the moment, the memory of it is a whisper compared to the moment itself. That regardless of your iron willed determination that this memory will stick, it probably won't be anywhere close to clear when you think back. That in order to even visualize your sweet baby at a younger age, you are going to need a picture. I'm sure that last one has some evolutionary purpose--to better be able to recognize your children you can only visualize their faces as they are at the current time--but it kindof stinks. I remember a few very specific moments of Charlie Mac's babyhood--a little lip purse that overcame my family's law of no kissing on the lips, a couple of particularly precious times when I was nursing him and the talk he and I had when I told him he wasn't going to nurse anymore-those aren't crystal clear though. My point is this: last night when I was looking at Willa ann as she slept, in awe of how beautiful she is, how precious--I knew that I may not be able to remember it later, and that the feeling I had at that moment would never be so sharp as it was right then. And I didn't want it to end, so I just stayed there and stared. Her little finger would twitch every so often and her side rose and fell as she breathed. Her face so lovely in it's peace. I was alternately sitting on the ottoman peaking through the slats and leaning on her crib looking over. Both views unique and beautiful. This picture is hard to see because it wasn't very bright in there and I took it with my cell phone, but I imagine you can tell why I was so captivated.
I wrote this after I tore myself away:
There is no instrument to capture
the acheful beauty of your being
the wingspan of your lips
the settle of your sigh
oh my child
it is as starving
to crave the impression that will flee with the moments passing
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
portrait followed by (gasp) haircut
I am SURE this will be as hard on everyone else as it is on me, so out of the kindness of my heart I have decided to forgo the impact of the "shock post" with pictures of a freshly shorn Iddle to let you all prepare as well. The portrait is going to be taken tomorrow evening. The haircut will follow shortly thereafter.
Starting soon we will only get compliments on one beautiful little girl as Charlie Mac will be more easily recognizable as the little fella he is.
I will edit this post later to add pictures of his sweet, little hippy head.
Starting soon we will only get compliments on one beautiful little girl as Charlie Mac will be more easily recognizable as the little fella he is.
I will edit this post later to add pictures of his sweet, little hippy head.
Friday, September 5, 2008
there's something missing!
The other night I was putting Charlie Mac down with our usual routine: book in the rocking chair, prayers, kisses and hugs, good night. After I got him in his bed and was headed to turn out the light and say good night he looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and raised his little index finger up beside his cheek and said "something's missing!" I asked him to repeat himself ("huh?"), and he said "there's something miiisssing!" I started laughing of course and asked him what--"my book!" I didnt'realize he'd done this the past two nights when Bradley had put him down. So now, Iddle reads to himself in bed until he falls asleep. I wish you could see him lying in his little bed with his stuffed animals and his book open in front of him. It captures his attention so well that I have to practically holler my "goodnight! I love you!" in order to get my "I wuv you too! night night!" in response.
I'll have to try to catch it with a camera soon.
I'll have to try to catch it with a camera soon.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Bathing Beauty Bitty Bee
Friday, August 29, 2008
Did I say "pat?"
Well, that's the last time I jinx a good thing because this morning her patting became pinches and scratches. She's still so sweet though.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Oh how much fun is a 6.75 month old?!
A whole lot, that's how much! A friend in Texas once said at 6 months babies go "from pet to person" and I totally agreed with her then re: Charlie Mac and that theory has been once again proven with Willa Ann. Of course both of them had tons of personality before they turned 6 months old, but you all say that about your malteses too, don't you? She is SO happy and sweet. And when she wants something--oh, she let's there be no doubt. Bradley thinks that her first word will be "now." I think it may just be a phrase--"now; dammit." She smiles almost constantly, and just look below and you'll find yourself smiling too.

See? I bet you are smiling now. She does that to me too.
We are co-sleeping with her as we did with Iddle. She's a nice face to wake up to. Now she doesn't wake me up crying or anything--she wakes up first and starts "patting" us. She's quiet, maybe murmuring a little, but mostly it's just patting us to get our attention. If I don't respond right away, she's patient--I haven't really let it go on long enough to test the "now;dammit" theory in this case--it's just too sweet. As soon as we look at her she's all smiles and ready to go. I need to go get a hug from her ASAP. Writing about her makes me itch for some squeezes.

See? I bet you are smiling now. She does that to me too.
We are co-sleeping with her as we did with Iddle. She's a nice face to wake up to. Now she doesn't wake me up crying or anything--she wakes up first and starts "patting" us. She's quiet, maybe murmuring a little, but mostly it's just patting us to get our attention. If I don't respond right away, she's patient--I haven't really let it go on long enough to test the "now;dammit" theory in this case--it's just too sweet. As soon as we look at her she's all smiles and ready to go. I need to go get a hug from her ASAP. Writing about her makes me itch for some squeezes.
Friday, August 22, 2008
new blog
hey everybody, this blog is about the iddle life. I've created another one for the rest of my head: http://flutterbylizzie.blogspot.com
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My Darling by Wilco
see it performed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI2hKGfQsZ8
Go back to sleep now
My darlin
And I'll keep all the bad dreams away
Breathe now, think sweet things
And I'll think of all the right words to say
Because we made you
My darlin
With the love in each of our hearts
We were a family, my darlin
Right from the start
Grow up now
My darlin
Please don't you grow up too fast
And be sure, darlin
To make all the good times last
Because we made you
My darlin
With the love in each of our hearts
We were a family, my darlin
Right from the start
monkey see, monkey do, monkey roll over
Last night Charlie Mac pulled a book off the shelf in the den and started "reading it." This is the conversation that followed:
Bradley: whatcha doing Charlie Mac?
CM: Readin a book
B: what's your book about?
CM it's a book about you!
B: oh yeah? What's it say?
CM: It says "Me, too"
So sweet.
This morning I walked into Willa Ann's room after I heard her "calling me." She had been awake for a while playing in her crib with her little elephant toy. I could barely believe my eyes when I walked in--guess who was on her tummy doing a push up just as pretty as you please?! She rolled over all on her own!! Oh my Bitty Bee!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Tao of Iddle
Or the Wisdom of Iddle for those not so into eastern philosophy:
Let me set this up. We were in the car after walking out of our pediatrician's office. I made the appointment yesterday for 10:20 today. We showed up at five minutes before the proper time, only to learn that it would be at least an hour wait. This is ridiculous in my opinion. We have never gone to this doctor's office without waiting at least an hour and a half and we never get to see him for more than a few minutes. The parking lot is always full and the waiting room is always ripe with germs being hacked and spread about. This is not a healthy environment for a well child, much less one who's immune system is already compromised. ADD A DOCTOR TO THE PRACTICE! So, today, Bradley and I decided that, since Charlie Mac just has a little rash on his cheek that we are following up on, if there was a ridiculous wait and crowded waiting room, we were going to leave and find another pediatrician (of course, i have since learned that the other one in town is worse, yay). So, while Bradley was getting Iddle's shoes on, I went in to check on the wait. I didn't want to breathe in there it was so crowded in the sick child room (which you have to walk/wade through to get to the well child room). The very nice girl couldn't really give me an estimate for the wait and insinuated it would be at least an hour. I told her "sorry, please cancel the appointment." To myself I thought, "well, somebody else can have that five minutes of his distracted time."
I went back out the car and Charlie Mac was devastated. He had been so excited to go to the doctor. I felt almost like going back in to that petri dish and waiting it out, just to make that sadness go away. Instead, we offered him a trip tot he bookstore and some "ciceream." He accepted the counteroffer.
Still steamed, I was complaining to Bradley about how ridiculous it is for them not to add another doctor to their practice or to at least not make so many appointments. From the backseat I heard Charlie Mac's sweet little voice:
"please don't make that noise Mama, please don't."
Now, mind you, I wasn't yelling or even raising my voice. I was just irritated. He picked up on it and wanted the unhappy sound to stop. I turned to him and said:
"Oh Baby, it's OK--I'm not mad at you, you're great! I'm mad at the doctor because he didn't have time to see you today"
To which he said "don't be mad at da doctah mama, da doctah is good"
Ahem. Wow.
"You are right baby, I'm sorry--The doctor is good."
I looked back up to the front saying "Karmic SLAP!" to Bradley under my breath
Bradley said "body slam."
So, Iddle, thank you for reminding me not to be needlessly angry. To move on when it's appropriate without wasting my health and hurting your precious ears with "that noise."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Three years
2 amazing children, 3 towns, 2 houses, 1 degree, 13 jobs, 3 dogs, 2 cats, overcoming God knows how many habits, 16 tickets, 1 mortgage, 1 buyer, 1 renter, 3 years of taxes, 1 year of lender's insurance, 2 years of home owner's insurance, 4 applications, 2 waitlists, 3 acceptance letters, too many looming stacks of bills, 1 horrible credit repair scam, 3 wicked credit cards, 2 blasted "limited activity" prescriptions, 1 Christening, 1 Confirmation, 4 funerals, 4 parents, 4 siblings, plenty of "legs up" from family and friends, 1 three-day vacation, 100 tears, 1000 lessons, 10,000 laughs, 100,000 hopes and 1,000,000 prayers and 2 people with the love, faith and determination to keep on climbing add up to:
1 Us.
Happy Anniversary Babe!! I wouldn't ride this roller coaster with anybody else!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Our first vacation
For our anniversary this year Bradley and I decided about 6 months ago that we would take a weekend to celebrate. We first thought we would go to New Orleans, and even made reservations. However, if we've learned anything over the past three years, we've learned that your plans can change. We ended up going to the beach at the last minute and I have to say THANK YOU to Brooke, Leland, Katie and Trina for making it all possible. This was our first real trip without the kids since we got married. We've had a couple of overnighters (thank you Kelly!), but this was the first time we went further than an hour away and for more than 18 hours.
Second stop: the beach!!! We literally went right in and got in the water. Bradley came out of no where and tackled me. As surprised and soaked as I was, it was really fun!
We went down to Gulf Shores on Friday and returned yesterday (Monday). We spent most of the time relaxing and hanging out with my cousin and his friend Jill. We walked and jogged on the beach Saturday morning and then sat on the beach with Clay and Jill for the afternoon. We had a nice dinner at the Warf on Saturday and spent Sunday morning and midday running around town and hanging out at the Flora-Bama. No late nights this time, and I actually slept through the night on Sunday night!! Woo hoo!
Here are some pics, I'll post a few more once Jill sends them to me:
First stop: Pink Pony Pub and some margaritas!!!!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008
my Uncle Jerry
His nickname was Sunshine, and it was so fitting. Uncle Jerry was one of those people who could pick up on anyone's feelings and, if one was needed, he was the first to offer a pick me up. The way he did that was subtle-he never exacerbated a person's discomfort by calling attention to it. Instead he might offer a seamless change of subject, or ask for a hand with something in the other room. The only person who noticed was the one he was helping-and he never let the know he was doing it on purpose. I didn't even notice it myself and I've known the man my whole life. Bradley pointed it out to me as we were driving to Birmingham to say goodbye. Now that it's been brought to my attention memories of him doing just this flood my mind and I can recall countless moments of relief courtesy of Uncle Jerry. I have one incident that comforted me in particular. Ill never forget that phone call and ill appreciate it forever. I thanked him for it at his funeral but I'm going to hug him for it when I see him again in Heaven.
We will miss you so much until then Uncle Jerry-neither the beach or Bama's games will ever be the same. Roll Tide!
We will miss you so much until then Uncle Jerry-neither the beach or Bama's games will ever be the same. Roll Tide!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
A very sad day
I got a very sad and shocking phone call this morning. My uncle Jerry passed away last night. He was way too young and we are all just in shock and deep sadness. Please pray for my aunt Mickie and cousins Mary Elizabeth and Clay.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Mother's guilt--whether you stay or work
All mothers have guilt issues. It's pumped into our ears daily by "Parenting" magazines, friends on whatever side of the (ridiculous) "Mommy Wars" and well meaning family members. I've had guilt on both sides of the Mommy Wars--as a SAHM in Georgetown and as a WM now. (Bradley's observation: notice they never say "working dad"). I assuage them with the knowledge that I am providing my children with an example as my mother did, of a woman using her education to it's fullest and putting her efforts towards things she believes in. I also feel very good about helping my best friend achieve his dreams. I think that we provide role models of a partnership towards individual and combined success. I think that's what we all do, working or not. SAHMs are also putting their efforts towards their dreams and something they believe in- neither is better or worse, both have their own issues. When I was staying at home I felt like I wasn't completing the things I personally had set out to do in this world. I felt like my opportunities were passing my by. I stressed about all the money that had been spent on my education, especially my second degree. Once I got to MS and started working, I felt revived and like I was contributing to, rather than sucking dry, our family's resources and the world. Bradley had been taking over 20 hours per semester and working at night and whenever in the day he could. Bradley didn't feel comfortable with me working nights, and I accepted that. (Bradley's school schedule often required that he go to meetings and study sessions at night that would have required that we get a sitter, too.) But there I sat with two degrees, not doing anything to help. HELLO GUILT--That did a number on my conscience. Of course I felt like I was doing the best thing for Iddle at the time too. We knew the type of childcare we could afford with any day job I could get in that town would have been well below the caliber we wanted for him. I also felt like being with a parent 24/7 was the best thing for him. It may have been, or he might have thrived with another caregiver during the day as well. That wasn't available to us in Georgetown, and we weren't going to take that chance. If I got a job in Austin, that would have afforded decent childcare, I would have had a 2 hour commute (during traffic) each way--12 hour days away from him, possibly with no parent at all during that time. That wasn't worth it to us. SO, Bradley slaved and I stayed with CMac--at least I had wonderful company.
So here we are at Today's Dose of Guilt-Charlie Mac has been saying things like "Stay da me" for a while now when we leave in the morning, and that's certainly done a number on both of us. We just explain that we have responsibilities and we will miss him and can't wait to see him when we get home. We are lucky enough to live very close to work and school so we can see the babies at lunch sometimes and still have a few hours before bedtime to hang with them after.
This morning our elder budding genius began to negotiate with me. I hugged him and was trying to get my kiss before I left (Bradley had left already for school--EXAM TODAY!). Charlie Mac leaned back and pointed at me and said:
"you be right back?"
"no baby, I'll be back at lunch and if you're taking your nap I'll come kiss you."
"You be right back."
"sweetie, I wish I could be right back, but I have to work today. When I get home we'll do something fun, ok?"
"you be right back, we do sumpin fun."
"I love you baby, I have to go to work, ok?"
"ok mama"
me internally: "AAAAAAHHHHH!"
So, despite the minute or two or three of separation angst in the mornings, I know we have a good time when we're together, and that I'm providing a good example for my children, doing what's best for our family and myself personally. Charlie Mac has already started to imitate us "going to work" as he said he was doing in this picture below. Let's hope they pick up on more than just my accessories:

Monday, July 28, 2008
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