Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas 2007

Christmas was wonderful riverside this year. We went out into the woods and really unplugged for a couple of weeks. 

Santa Claus knew exactly where to find our little mop top and delivered a kitchen for Charlie Mac to "coook." His favorite recipes are "zoop" and "atch" and I must say that they are delicious! 
This is just too cute: 
He has had so much fun playing on the train set that his grandparents Wilson gave has Bradley! OK, so have the rest of us...

He had a great time hanging out with his Mum: 
I actually got him to hold still for a mere moment for this shot: 
He absolutely lives for Teensy--a dog just his size!!!  We hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas too!!!
Love, Elizabeth, Bradley and Charlie Mac

1 comment:

Alison Randall said...

Ooh! I want to play with that train set, too!! :)