Friday, April 4, 2008

Our jobs

I seriously love this job like none other I've had and I am so excited to be around some of the minds here. I just sit and listen to these people talk with my mouth shut hoping that they keep talking. If you know me, then you know that's unusual! Anyway....

I work at Ole Miss' National Center for Natural Products Research as assistant to the director. They find cures for things and aids for agriculture in plants from around the world.

They've developed medications that give such relief to cancer and AIDS patients and are looking into anti depressant stuff too. They have found anti-cancer properties in plants as familiar as Maypops and others deep in the jungle and under the sea. The research they are doing on other plants will not only provide cures, but may also help protect the rain forests and other habitats as well as provide agriculture options for impoverished areas. They can clone from the tiniest piece of leaf and turn it into an entire field or more. I feel like I work at the Discovery Channel. Our website:

Bradley works at the Mississippi Innocence Project as an administrative assistant. They are officed at Ole Miss' Law School. They advocate for prisoners who were denied the use of DNA evidence in their trials. Recently two men were freed in Mississippi that had spent 15 years in Parchman for a crime they did not commit. It's wonderful work they are doing and Bradley is so happy to be a part of it.

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