Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bread Machine = lunch hour joy

Charlie Mac you are a funny, funny little fella. Every day you amaze us with your take on the world. Today when I went home for lunch we made bread together (or put the stuff in the bread machine together) and you made that experience an exciting one for me, too. 

"dis is fower?" (helpfully tearing the bag to give us better access to the contents)
"put da scoop in?" (little hands gripping his step ladder handle in excitement)
"Woah, dat's a BIG scoop" (he also gets a scoop, which mostly makes it back into the bag)
"I need to put da seeds in" (his whole hand fits into the jar to get a handful flax seeds go everywhere--some into bowl)
"push da button" (much effort here to restrain himself--unsuccessfully, but that's ok! I hold his finger to the right buttons and he turns the "muhsheen" on)
"It's makin da dough!!!"
"it's going to be gooood!? Da breat?! Yeah!"
"watch in da window--it's makin a dough ball. Watch Mama! Watch!!!!" (standing on tip toe on his step stool to peer into the window on the lid)

I have to admit--that thing is really neat. 

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