Friday, July 27, 2007

Fried Pies and Butterflies

No Iddlemethis fans, this is not a recollection of one of Lizzie's world-famous dreamscapes ~ it is daddy's first authorial cameo. Indeed, brace yourselves, I do know the excitement may be difficult to contain but we must - neighbors, the general public, and above all else the man don't take too kindly to pandemonium in the streets, so let's keep our thundering cries of supreme joy to gentle whimpers of undying enthusiasm. Onward...

Last weekend, in order to acquaint ourselves to our new satellite metropolis Memphis, we loaded up the gang and, three hours later, hightailed it northbound up I-55. Our plan included a brief stint at the Memphis Farmer’s Market (the Oxford version is a little on the small side and leaves a bit to be desired) to pick up some fresh veggies. We hoped for a king’s bounty an indeed found a cornucopia fresh, local, and tasty summer veggies –tomatoes, okra, eggplant, beans, and more. However, the true paragon of local delectability was found as we made our exit – a true fried pie, so damn good it was just downright sinful. (I almost slapped Lizzie, but after considering how hot is was outside, decided it wasn’t the best day for a walk to Oxford.)

Though the Farmer’s market was quite a time, and Charlie did get to do a little dancing - number 3 on his “Favorite Things to Do in the World List” – behind (#1) snuggling with his mama and just barely losing out to (#2) screaming bloody-murder five minutes before we are done eating in a restaurant – we were off to the main attraction, the reason for the season – Charlie Mac’s first trip to the Zoo!

This is an event not without much anticipation as yours truly has somewhat of a, how shall we say, obsession with “The Zoo” and passing on a somewhat unhealthy love for a place that smells like the business end of an elephant is just something that fathers are for. For an added bonus, Charlie Mac has recently become quite fascinated with the animal kingdom, not just mimicking their noises, but just watching the little fellas run amuck. In fact his new entertainment during our walk through the woods is doing a bit of bird and dog-rabidly-chasing-poor-innocent-squirrel watching.
To be honest with you, the whole event was just amazing – it’s proving a task to provide a linear recount of the hours we spent there so I’m just gonna let it go. Flamingos – um yeah, pink giant birds (I feel for some odd reason I must describe these to you (unhealthy attachment I say)) - blew. CharlieMac’s. mind. Simply greatness. [Aside] There is nothing like blowing a toddler’s mind. Whether it is giant pink birds or a water hose, the look in their eyes, the stillness combined with that tangible appearance of a running mind – my God, it is better than fried pie. [End Aside]

I'm on a tiger, not on a panda, I'm on a TIGER, not on a panda, not on a panda, not on a panda...

The butterflies deserve their own paragraph. Love may not be the right word, and obsession is too grown up of an idea, just innocent OH.MY.GAWD. may be the best way to describe Charlie Mac’s reaction to the butterfly area. We have some great video of this and I will get this up here, as well as sending it to every news station in the WORLD because my baby is the CUTEST THING EVER. Sorry, that happens every once in awhile – parents, you understand. Strength in unity. Meanwhile, Charlie Mac’s chasing butterflies all over the place. He’s telling everyone about it, shouting it from the highest mountain “SSZzzzDAT! EEEEEEEEIIIIII!” Next time we go to the Zoo – it’s a nice picnic lunch, maybe even some blue-cheese stuffedolives, a spot on a corner bench, and hours spent watching our pride-and-joy chasing what seems to appear to him as little bursts of sunshinebeautifuljoy floating around in the air. In Charlie Mac’s eyes, and in ours, it was the Memphis zoo’s pièce de résistance.

There were other encounters – monkeys, penguins, fish, turtles, giraffes, elephants – which in their own right were exciting but as we spiraled into a tired, sweaty abyss of getmetothecarbeforeidie, we powered up for the pilgrimage to the Choo-Choo. Again, I promise to have some video up of the ride (knowing me let’s safely say sometime before next President’s Day.) It’s interesting how Charlie Mac developed his love for Choo-Choos – he never really watches Choo-Choo shows and only recently has had the toys – but the Choo-Choo is his thing. Some of us covet our jewelry or patchy pants – but for CMac it’s gimme Choo-Choo or gimme Choo-Choo. And, as we all well know, the Mecca of 18 month old Choo-Choo lovers is, without a doubt, the Barnyard Choo-Choo ride ~ A real life Choo-Choo, a real life cow, a real life goat, a covered bridge, a waterfall ~ somebody call the fire department because THE ROOF IS ON FIRE!

If you are wondering, we did make it back to the car in 3 pieces - 3 whole somewhat soggy pieces. But not before a gloriously failed attempt at the Barnyard animals show. Sorry to offend any Komodo Dragon lover’s out there - nothing against their cold-blood or prehistoric existence – but give me a break…and some of that sweet, sweet AC.

5 minutes later – approximately 54 seconds into our car ride home – we turn around and are blessed with this sight. Better than fried pie and butterflies.
Hooooome on the train, won't you put my monkey on the train...

Beachside fun

While our house was on the market we realized that there was no way we could live in it and keep it staged to the point where we could zip out at a moment's notice to show it. It's too little and we are just too "active." So, at times like these it's best to go to the beach.
Charlie Mac really got into the fun that is the Gulf Coast a lot more this time and it was just a blast to watch. Bradley and I got to have some fun crabbing and visiting with our friends the Weirs and their daughters Kathryn and Lucy along with the rest of the Frye clan who were staying a couple houses down from us. Brad and Trey has some luck night fishing and it was great for me to sit around and gab with Susan and Kathy. From Lucy Charlie Mac has learned that high chairs are so last month and that forks are where it's at. He's not really good at it, but he tries his darndest!
We stayed through the 4th of July and the fireworks were pretty, even if the Iddle wasn't as impressed as we thought he would be.

Here are some pics from the pier and the beach:

sleepy puppies on the road

Leaving Las Georgetown

We are in the process of selling our house in Georgetown--in escrow now, woo hoo!--and before we put it on the market we "staged" it to sell. For those of you who are less obsessed with HGTV than I am, that is the process whereby you take the "you" out of your home and make it a more generic place that potential buyers can imagine their own happy lives in. There were parts of it that were really hard (like Charlie Mac's room--boo hoo) but all in all, it was really worth it--here are the final results in a totally random order:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Communication, Iddle Style

Gahk--it means to look at something, there are very slight variations that mean "dog," "cat" and "car" although today he said "Cah" when talking about a car and he says "dug" sometimes for dogs. Gahk is really his go to word when he doesn't feel like thinking too hard before he gets his thought out.

Chuh Chuh-- "Choo Choo" he LOVES them

Wuhtidis--"what is this" We hear this a alot. Sometimes it is shortened to "dis" accompanied by a pointing little finger

wuhsdat? -- this means he hears something and is asking what it is

Ahtch -cracker or any other food he sees or wants

Haht -- "hot" he points to things that we've told him are hot like coffee mugs, electric cords, candles, etc. and lets us know that he knows they are "hot." Today, his little grilled cheese roly poly was still warm when I gave it to him and he pointed at it and told me "haht."

Gego- Guero our dog

Mama--either of us, but he's starting to say Dada too and pointing at me more when he says Mama. Today he said "Disismama" about me and I just about died. Seriously, a child will make you learn the meaning of "and I just melted" more than any crush will. Except of course Bradley.

Pbbbbt --he makes this sound after he poots and then he laughs. Don't ask me where he got it because I won't tell you.....

"Oooo"--any big animal. It started with cows as his version of "moo" and now it just means big animal. Horses, giraffes, elephants...

Ah ah --monkeys or any other ape.

pa pa pa --fish because of the "sound" they make with bubbles. I taught him this and it stuck. He seriously loves animals and really pays attention when they come up.

Caw Caw --birds--either when he sees one or hears one

Eee Eeee-- whales or dolphins, he would probably say it for sharks or other gray fish, but I can't say for sure. He learned it while we were watching a special on Nature.

bye bye --"bye bye" Blowing kisses and/or waving means this too. My son, the star...

mmmmmmm --he sees something he wants to eat

Up --he wants up in a chair, his stroller, the car, etc. "if you would please put me where I am pointing, I would greatly appreciate it" is really what it means.

Wah -- "wow" He says this at times that may seem random, but remember, everything is new to him and what may apear to simply be a lighted sign, book shelf or wire rack is actually a feat of design as far as he's concerned.

Dipe --"diaper" He will go get one out of the package if I ask him to. Then he remembers what's next and we play chase.

Schahtch-- "shoes" He's working hard on this one and I suspect it will be "Shootch" before long.

Ooohhhhh Ta! OH! -- Roll Tide Roll! This is done with hands up high and fingers guess who taught him that....yes Daddy and Katie, we are working on Hotty Toddy!

Ohhhh --this can simply mean "oh" or with a head shake it can mean "no thank you, I would not like those peas right now"

He signs a lot too with little signs he's made up. my favorite is when he either hears or wants to hear music; he bends his little arms and shakes his fists by his face. It was his first dance move and I just love it with all my heart. If he notices a flower, he leans forward and sniffs really hard and then points. He sticks out his tongue and pretends to brush his teeth when it's time to brush his teeth before bed. Another sign is banana, but we taught him the real one for that, he didn't make it up.

He can point to his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, tongue, feet and toes. And yours if you ask him to. He will also point out trees.

He gives the very sweetest kisses--on the cheek please!

He pats and rubs our shoulders if he can ever reach them. Like if I'm squatting down picking up crayons or something. Then when you look over at him, he is smiling so sweetly. He just wanted to give a pat.

He tries to make music on little bottles like he's in a jug band. It's ridiculously cute.

He says "ahhhh" after he takes a sip of a drink with a satisfied smile.

He's learned that chewing with your mouth closed is something to be very proud of and that if you say "mm mmm mm" while you do it you can often get somebody to join you and tell you what a good job you are doing.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some but is't after nine p.m. so I am therefore quite exhausted. I would love to hear how any of the little ones in your life are letting you know what's on their minds!
Pictures to come soon!

Love, Elizabeth