Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanksgiving catchup

Allrighty, the Cowboys are 7 and 1, Ole Miss is, well, ahem, and we are just dandy!

We have been working on Willa Ann's nursery when we can--Bradley is still working at Square Books and I found that permanent job I was looking for at Senator Lott's Oxford office about a month and a half ago. I can honestly say I've never loved a job more. We have cleared it out and on Monday Amber H. and I textured down to where the chair rail will be. I'd never done that before and as my daddy put it: "y'all are having fun playing with mud pies in here." It's so easy I am tempted to start a side business. If we ask Charlie Mac where his baby sister is going to sleep he leads us in there and points to her bassinet. So sweet. I'll post pictures when we get it finished.

For those of you we haven't talked to about it, we are naming our daughter after her mother as is our family tradition (where else would we have gotten the 3 Roberts, 7 Elizabeths and 10 Augustas?), but are calling her "Willa" for Wilson and "Ann" after my mama. I thought I was being so original with the "Willa" but learned that some Elliotts named daughters that back around 1900 (I guess after they'd already named one Augusta? Ha!) as a feminine form of William. I chose it in lieu of "Willow" which was a little crunchy-even for us.

Bradley's birthday and the LSU game are this weekend and we are so excited! Our friend Susannah is coming in from Dallas for her first ever Grove experience (It's like 'the lot' for grown ups) and we just can't wait! Roberts and Frankie are coming in from Colorado for the first time since they were engaged and we are so happy to get to hang out with them as much as we can. Maybe they can get it together up in D.C. and Augusta will be able to make it down, too!

We are headed to the Delta for Thanksgiving and then to Dallas for our friend's Lauren and Chad's wedding the weekend after and it's going to be so great not only to see two wonderful people start their lives together, but to see some old friends and our Texas family as well--things ain't slowin down around here! I'm sorry that the posts have been lacking in imagination and frequency lately, I'll try to be better about it!!!

Elizabeth, Bradley and Charlie Mac

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