He's also gotten a great grasp of english--at least on the listening end. His great grandparents Charles and Rosalie share with us a great family secret for childhood fun---give over one kitchen cabinet to the babies. This is the best idea ever. If Charlie Mac starts to open the recycle cabinet or tries to open one of the childproofed cabinets, I jsut say "now that's not your cabinet--close it and go to yours" and god bless him he takes his fat little hand and closes the forbidden cabinets and heads for "his" cabinet with absolute glee and triumph! I clap a lot when he does this which I'm sure helps--but it's sincere applause because I know it's got to be hard to pass up the temptation of the recycling bins when your just over a year and a month old! His cabinet is a treasure trove of tupperware, plastic cups, a bin of receipts (his important papers), a giant plastic collander and other delights. When we are finished with our time in the kitchen we "clean up" together and I have to say he is very good at helping put everything away. Of course, he likes to take things out and put them back again and again--but it's a great start!
I've gotten my camera working again and so here a few pics I took tonight of a PB&J supper. Note his new cup witha straw that he loves.
Take care!
love, elizabeth

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