I am way too excited about this. I was making Charlie Mac some peanut butter balls to have for a snack here and there and I
a) was dismayed that all of the recipes call for a lot of honey to use as a binder and
b) only had half of the honey that was called for.
So--I was feeling good about only using half of the honey (less sugar), but they weren't rolling up right and I was facing a peanut butter ball crisis.
I went a hunting in the fridge thinking I might have some pancake syrup to sub in and really didn't want to (WAY too much sugar and there would go my semi-healthy snack!) when what did I spy with my little eye but good ol applesauce, just waiting to lend a hand. It worked PERFECTLY and next time I am going to use it in place of honey rather than just as a supplement.
It's got nuts, whole grains and fruit AND it's great finger food--not messy and it's smushes for easy swallowing. Woo hoo! It's toddler safe granola!
Here's the original recipe
3/4 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup dry milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 honey
1 tsp. vanilla
mix the dry, add the rest and roll away! I don't know how much applesauce to use, but I would start with 1/4 cup and continue until the consistancy is right. Store in the fridge.
This would be great with older kids who can help or get creative with the stuff. You could make peanut butter bugs and decorate them with raisens and stuff for instance. I also bet any fruit puree would work. I'd rather not use jelly because again, just so much sugar.

"yumyum! I love this so much I'm drooling!"
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