Monday, February 5, 2007

story time

The Iddle is quite the talker these days...just not in English (or any other previously heard language). The lyrical linguistics of Iddlese range from the gutteral to the chirping, with many varied hand getures peppered throughout. I can't wait for the moments where he starts rolling on a subject that will forever remain unknown save for it's nature. He will be very serious with his little brow furrowed, or laugh in between rasberries and "mumumus" to convey a more lighthearted scene. Once he even twirled his hands continuously from above his head to his "waist" while making very musical sounds and I want to swear it was interpretive dance....I wonder where he gets this from....I'll have to get his dad to show him some of his more creative moves from "back in the day." I truly hope mine remain in fuzzy memory.
He's walking so well these days---crossing rooms with a look of giddy triumph on his little face---and we feel like he's won the Olympics every time.
I am being summoned with something that sounds like "dwa hop dup hoo" so, until next time, hip hip dwa doo to you!

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